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Apparition Hallway
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Apparition Library
Wed, 31 Oct 2018
I hadn't seen him in quite a while.  Only glances up to that point.  As you leave the bathroom, a reflection in the mirror.  From the hall all you caught was an apparition.  A man standing in the hall.  So many people in the house could be standing waiting their turn, but it is a rouse to turn your head quickly from the actual apparition in the mirror.  It's Samhain and the apparition is back.  It just happened.  I had to tell you.

Posted by adessa at 20:46 EDT
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Sun, 7 Oct 2018
Apparitions at Mary's 160 year old Farm House

Monday was 10 degrees below zero; Tuesday was expected to be colder. 

Mary, my 95-year-old neighbor, called Monday evening saying she was almost out of wood and also could we show her how to use her woodburner correctly.  She said it was smoking and she thought it would blow up if she loaded it wrong.  So I took off Tuesday to maintain some kind of heat out of our woodburner, then go over Mary’s for the afternoon and heat up her house.

When I got there her and her son Bill were at the kitchen table enjoying some chili she made. It was 12:30 in the afternoon.  I sat in the first chair as you walk into the kitchen so I was facing the back door.  Bill was directly across from me and his body was centered in the door window.  As I spoke to him someone came to the door and I could see them lean into my vision around Bill’s head.  I quickly moved my eyes toward them and was about to say “someone’s here” when I realized there was no one there.  I dismissed it as reflections from something and talked about 10 more minutes.  When I turned to answer Bill and the same thing happened over his other shoulder.  I looked too quickly again and they disappeared. I decided not to be surprised next time, just be calm.  Then they appeared past his right shoulder again.  This time I kept my gaze directly on Bill’s face and used my peripheral vision.  It was an old man; small in stature compared to where his head was in the window.  He was looking around the room and then became very opaque and disappeared.

It was a rush, but it was not over.  Bill left and Mary excused herself to the bathroom and I did the dishes and cleaned the table all the time pondering her home itself.  How many years it has stood.  160 to be exact.  Built by her family in the 1840’s.  We did the woodburner stuff downstairs without incident.  Then when we came upstairs she sat to watch her court TV shows, I got her a sweater and made us some tea.  I was in the kitchen and she was standing by the middle of the TV room going to the chair by the window to watch for deer.  Behind her in the doorway between the TV room and the living room appeared an old lady.  She had on a long dress and her white hair was pulled up on her head.  She was hazy yellow and I could see thru her out the front window.  It appeared like a mirage in the summertime off the heat of the road.  Sort of wavy.  Extending off the edges of her body was a 7-inch soft blur - almost smoky.  I was captivated.  She was very one dimensional, flat.  She looked right at me, but at the same time right thru me. Her facial expression never changed.  My mind tried to communicate with her and time stood briefly still.  Then Mary said something (unaware that I saw something) and I immediately snapped back into our life-plane like a balloon suddenly popping.  I won’t forget the feeling while I was looking at the apparition.  Surreal – Peaceful – I had no physical awareness of my body.  I felt as though I was floating, possibly in her life-plane for a moment.

My only hope is that they are NOT there waiting for Mary.  Know what I mean?  Although it would be comforting to peek into this part of our life cycle, I don’t want Mary to go yet.

Posted by adessa at 12:53 EDT
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Sat, 6 Oct 2018
The Spirit in the Woods

For 12 years our Australian Shepherd has ‘escorted’ the herds of deer from our yard into the woods between our house and our neighbor’s house. The neighbor’s family includes a rowdy reckless young man who for years sped up and down the streets on an assortment of ATV’s, dirt bikes, and ‘Crotch-Rockets’. Usually riding without his hands or standing on the seat thru the winding narrow hilly country roads. One morning a Venison Surprise ran in front of his bike’s 85 mile-an-hour ride and at 6:15 am they both lie dead. At 5 pm that evening a family of 7 deer entered the yard for their nightly run to the woods, 3 doe’s and 4 yearlings and our dog in tow. When they reached the edge of the woods they all stopped suddenly. They stood still as statues afraid to go into the woods. Our dog stopped too. Nobody moved. I felt an eerie cold breeze from the woods and I knew the neighbor’s son was in there. The deer never entered the woods that night, they bedded where they stood, and the dog came in the house and wasn’t interested in the chase game that evening.

Watch Video HereSpirit

Posted by adessa at 13:55 EDT
Updated: Sun, 7 Oct 2018 12:45 EDT
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Thu, 28 Jul 2016
Mood:  happy

Posted by adessa at 14:00 EDT
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Fri, 26 Sep 2014
Spirit in the Woods

For 12 years our Australian Shepherd has ‘escorted’ the herds of deer from our yard into the woods between our house and our neighbor’s house. The neighbor’s family includes a rowdy reckless young man who for years sped up and down the streets on an assortment of ATV’s, dirt bikes, and ‘Crotch-Rockets’. Usually riding without his hands or standing on the seat thru the winding narrow hilly country roads. One morning a Venison Surprise ran in front of his bike’s 85 mile-an-hour ride and at 6:15 am they both lie dead. At 5 pm that evening a family of 7 deer entered the yard for their nightly run to the woods, 3 doe’s and 4 yearlings and our dog in tow. When they reached the edge of the woods they all stopped suddenly. They stood still as statues afraid to go into the woods. Our dog stopped too. Nobody moved. I felt an eerie cold breeze from the woods and I knew the neighbor’s son was in there. The deer never entered the woods that night, they bedded where they stood, and the dog came in the house and wasn’t interested in the chase game that evening.



Posted by adessa at 00:01 EDT
Updated: Sat, 6 Oct 2018 13:35 EDT
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Tue, 8 Oct 2013
The Cemetery
It might seem strange but I liked cemeteries.  There everything is calm and quiet.  The people who come there aren't drawn to the noise of the living but the quiet of the dead.  In every town, in every city, cemeteries are there as havens of peace and motionless tranquility.  But once, I faced a night in a cemetery.  I entered in the evening and sat upon a bench before drifting to sleep.  I woke in darkness.  Panicked, I wanted to leave, but the caretaker had already locked the gates.  At night the peace one may find in the warm light of day vanishes.  The slightest sound induces panic, gravestones seem to move and the blowing wind sounds like howling moans.  My heart barely survived the night and I have never forgotten the terror I felt.  When I staggered out of the gates in the morning I heard the caretaker yell after me:  You look pale as a ghost!  Spend too much time with the dead and you'll join them!

Posted by adessa at 00:01 EDT
Updated: Wed, 4 Dec 2013 20:05 EST
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Tue, 17 Sep 2013
Another Life Revealed
I was standing on a stone road looking down past my white cotton dress to my black button-up shoes, then glancing at my small hands. I was all of 3 years old. Straight ahead was a worn white picket gate spanning an entrance in a stone fence that was as high as I was tall. I looked through the gate to the home that I knew was where I lived. It was cottage in its appearance with a thatched roof. A small wooden room built off to the left with the stove pipe I knew was the kitchen. An aroma of soda bread baking filled the air. “Sarah” came a call and I reached for the hand of my father. A tall slender man with dark trousers and a tweed cap. We walked together toward town on the cobble stone road. A man coming the other way stopped and spoke to my father on the bridge we were crossing. My hand slipped from father’s hand and I wandered a few steps over to the edge of the bridge which was large white barn stones. As I looked over the edge toward the water I fell forward. I vividly saw the brick structure of the bridge as I plummeted head first into the river. That is the end of the dream every time. I assume I perished in the fall.

Posted by adessa at 00:01 EDT
Updated: Wed, 4 Dec 2013 20:03 EST
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Sun, 26 Aug 2012
The house that Ralph Built
Whenever I dream of family the dream is centered around the home my father built by hand. I only lived there 12 years of my life, but my mind goes there as my home. All the other places I've lived could only be categorized as shelters. Last night's dream took me up the driveway in tears. Someone had bought the house and was turning it into a store. I toured the rooms remembering as we got older helping father put on additions to the home. I liked block work and framing, but didn't fancy the roofing at all. A family belonged in this home. I hope someone would purchase it in the future and restore it to a family home.

Posted by adessa at 00:01 EDT
Updated: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 15:47 EST
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Tue, 3 Jul 2012
For the past 5 weeks someone has been calling my name in my home.  My birth name, a name Tim calls occassionally and my father used to always call me and he passed away 7 years ago.  The first 3 weeks it was every 2 or 3 days.  I'd be anywhere in the house and hear my name.  I'd hunt down Tim and ask what he had wanted.  He said he didn't call me.  I told him I hear the man's voice calling my name again.  Two weeks ago it was every night.  It would wake me out of a sound sleep.  I'd get up and the room would be dead still.  Everyone in the house was sleeping.  Last week I woke up at 4 a.m. to process the produce from the first harvest of the garden.  Tomatoes, Green Beans and my favorite Sweet/Hot Pickles.  By 1 pm I was heading to make the bed.  Tim was napping on the couch.  When I got in the bedroom I saw no harm in lying down for a half hour.  I was exhausted.  Twenty minutes later my name was being called again.  It sounded like it was coming from outside.  Tim must have thought I'd gone back up to the garden and was calling me.  I got up and followed the sound of the voice, Adessa; Adessa;  Dess; Dess.  It was louder by the stairs and I called down, Tim I'm upstairs.  But looking in the living room he was still sound asleep on the couch.  I went and woke him up.  There was a chill in the room.  Who was calling me?

Posted by adessa at 00:01 EDT
Updated: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 15:48 EST
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Fri, 23 Mar 2012
Room 312

Posted by adessa at 00:01 EDT
Updated: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 08:14 EDT
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